1. Moreover, every town has gyms and parks which are equipped with running trucks and other facilities. 2. Undoubtedly, all people long to be healthy. However, most of them admit that following a healthy way of life is quite difficult, while others claim that there is nothing problematic about it. 3. Thirdly, the beneficial effects of healthy way of life can be seen only after several months or even years of following it. Therefore, people are demotivated and give up. 4. Despite the above-mentioned arguments, I cannot agree with the opposite point of view. Healthy food is overpriced, especially if it is organic or GMO-free, and not everyone can afford it. Regarding different sports facilities, one should have enough time to exercise but most people are too busy. 5. In conclusion, I would like to say that following a healthy lifestyle requires too much time, money and energy, that is why it is rather arduous for most people. 6. In my view, it is rather hard to lead a healthy life style. Firstly, the pace of the modern life does not let people have a good eight-hour. sleep, so they sleep too little, and thus have no energy to exercise or count calories. 7. Nevertheless, other people believe that keeping feet is quite easy today because everyone can find plenty of. shops selling specially grown healthy food. 8. Secondly, there are too many temptations around, like fast food or various desserts. , and they. are hard to resist, because it requires a lot of effort and strong willpower, which not everyone has..
Многие, ошибочно полагают, что правильное питание заключается только в выборе полезных продуктов — низкокалорийных, нежирных, богатых витаминами и минералами. Однако, зачастую, мы забываем о том, что важно не только то, что мы готовим, но также и то, как мы готовим — к примеру, обжаренная в масле куриная грудка будет также вредна для фигуры и организма, как и кусок торта.
Какие методы приготовления пищи самые безвредные и полезные для худеющих? Именно об этом вам расскажет наша сегодняшняя статья.
Неудивительно, что жарение диетологи и специалисты по питанию относят к вредным методам приготовления пищи — в основном из-за использования масла или животного жира, которые, между прочим, влияют не только на повышенную калорийность блюд — «Если масло подвергается термической обработке дольше 4 минут, то жиры переходят в формулу трансжиров, опасную для сердечно-сосудистой системы. Регулярное использование таких «жареных» жиров приводит к раннему склеротированию сосудов, прежде всего головного мозга», — говорит Римма Мойсенко, врач-диетолог, руководитель Центра эстетической медицины «Риммарита».
На английском
Many, mistakenly believe that the right food is only in the selection of healthy foods - low-calorie, low-fat, rich in vitamins and minerals. However, often we forget that it is important not only what we cook, but also how we cook - for example, the chicken breast fried in oil will also be harmful to the figure and body, as well as a piece of cake.
What methods of cooking are the most harmless and useful for losing weight? Our today's article will tell you about this.
It is not surprising that frying nutritionists and nutritionists refer to harmful cooking methods - mainly because of the use of oil or animal fat, which, among other things, affects not only the increased calorie content of dishes - "If the oil is subjected to heat treatment for more than 4 minutes, then fats are transferred to the trans fat formula, which is dangerous for the cardiovascular system. Regular use of such "fried" fats leads to early sclerotation of blood vessels, especially the brain, "says Rimma Moisenko, a nutritionist, head of the Center for Aesthetic Medicine" Rimmarita ".