1. The children have been at the summer camp for two weeks. Дети были в летнем лагере на протяжении двух недель.
2. We've been in our new house for a few months. Мы живем в нашем новом доме несколько месяцев.
3. I haven't seen my mobile phone since yesterday morning. Я не видел свой мобильный телефон со вчерашнего утра.
4. Pavel hasn't been go-karting since last summer. Павел не занимается картингом с лета.
5. Marina has known her English friend for a year. Марина знает своего английского друга год.
Some people have a defective immune system and are therefore much more suspicious of the infections. It is believed that such people have compromised immunity, and one of the most important examples is the destruction of the body's defense mechanism by the AIDS virus, leading to death from inability to resist infection. Other immunocompromised patients may be those who suffer to leukemia, kidney failure, and diabetes; and those who take drugs that suppress the immune system; for example, cytotoxic drugs used a for the treatment of cancer, and drugs used to prevent rejection on transplants
I must jump high to win