Спортивный клуб "Эллада" объявляет набор школьников 7-9 классов в бесплатную группу активного отдыха. Занятия будут проводиться по средам и субботам в 17.00. В программе: 1. бег трусцой 2. плавание в открытом бассейне 3. пеший туризм 4. занятия фитнесом 5. аэробика 6. легкая атлетика. Справка о состоянии здоровья обязательна. Оргкомитет
Sports club "Hellas" declares a set of students of 7-9 grades in a group of a free outdoor activity. Classes will be held on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 5 PM. In the program: 1. Jogging 2. Swimming in the outdoor pool 3. Hiking 4. Fitness classes 5. Aerobics 6. Athletics. Certificate of health is required. The organizing Committee
Last month i wanted to make a present for my mother's birthday. i got up early in the morning and quietly went outside. i came to the bus stop to wait for the bus that would take me to the market. when's the bus came i didn't notice what number was written on it. so the bus took me to another part of the city where i have never been. i came out of the bus and looked around. there wasn't anybody nearby. suddenly a little group of young boys came up to me. they asked me if i had any money in my pocket. i said «no» but they didn't believe me. two of them were holding my hands and third one was checking my pockets. they took all my money and ran away. i was very afraid and didn't shout. i understood that i should go back home. but i didn't know how to do it without money. i went to the opposite side of the road and found a bus stop. i was going to wait for the bus but i didn't know how to pay for it. when the bus came and i got into it i explained the driver what happened to me. he felt pity and allowed to go for free. i picked some flowers in neighboring garden and presented it to my mom. luckily she didn’t ever know what an adventure happened to me.