One of Russia's most celebrated poets of all times, Michael Lermontov was born in Moscow in the family of a nobleman. He spent his childhood and youth in Tarckany, in the province of Penza.
In 1830 Lermontov entered the Moscow University, but very soon he had to leave it. Then he entered St. Petersburg School of Cavalry Cadets. He finished it and served in the Hussar Regiment of the Imperial Guard.
In 1837 the poet was exiled to the Caucasus for his poem "Poets Death". In 1840 Lermontov was exiled to the Caucasus for the second time. He was provoked into personal quarrel with his schoolmate. The quarrel led to a duel. On July 15th, 1841 the poet was killed. He was not even 27 at that time.
Lermontov began writing when he was very young. One of his first writings to be published was his verse tale "Hadji Arbek".
But he won fame as a poet after his poem "Poets Death" was published. Lermontov's poems "Demon" "Mtsyri" his great novel "A Hero of Our Time" and his play "Masquerade" are masterpieces of Russian literature.
Whether he wrote poetry, drama or prose, the stamp of his genius was to be found on his works. Lermontov's influence as of a poet and a thinker on all Russian writes can't be overestimated.
Мой любимый писатель (М. Лермонтов)
Один из наиболее знаменитых поэтов России всех времен, Михаил Лермонтов родился в Москве в семье дворянина. Он провел свое детство и молодость в Тарханах Пензенской губернии.
В 1830 г. Лермонтов поступил в Московский университет, но вскоре вынужден был оставить учебу. Тогда он поступил в Санкт-петербургскую Школу кавалерийских юнкеров. Он закончил ее и служил в полку императорской охраны.
В 1837 г. поэт был сослан на Кавказ за свое стихотворение «Смерть поэта». В 1840 г. Лермонтов был сослан на Кавказ второй раз. Его спровоцировали на личную ссору с товарищем. Ссора привела к дуэли. 15-го июля 1841 г. поэт был убит. Ему не было даже 27 лет.
Лермонтов начал писать, когда он был еще очень молод. Одним из его первых опубликованных произведений был рассказ в стихах «Хаджи Арбек».
Как поэт он стал известным после того, как было опубликовано его стихотворение «Смерть поэта». Стихи Лермонтова «Демон», «Мцыри», роман «Герой нашего времени» и пьеса «Маскарад» являются шедеврами российской литературы.
Писал ли он поэзию, драму или прозу, печать гения лежала на всех его работах. Влияние Лермонтова как поэта и мыслителя на всю русскую письменность невозможно переоценить.
A men needs rest after hard work. Very often we are eagerly looking forward to weekends and holidays to enjoy ourselves.
The word "holiday" comes from the words "holy day". Holidays were first religion festivals. Now many holidays have nothing to do with religion. Almost every country has holidays honouring important events in its history.
Some holidays come on the same date of the same month, for instance, New Year's Day or Cristmas. But some do not. Some, such as Easter, are movable holidays.
New Year's Day is very popular all over the world. It is my favourite holiday. We usually get together, we like celebrate this holiday at home.
We celebrate the first day of Cristmas on the 7th of January. On the 6th of January people tidy the whole house, cook much tasty food because the day after we must not work, we must have a rest. On this day we have a sacred supper. It begins when the first star lights up. As the legend says, this star announced the birth of the God's Son. We celebrate Christmas for two days. In the evening a group of boys comes. They sing songs. By these songs they congratulate on holiday, wish good crops, long life, no illness and so on. It is interesting to know that only boys must congratulate.
Women's Day is on the 8th of March.
Then on the 1st of May goes next holiday the Day of Labor.
Another religious holiday is Easter. It is movable. It is usually the first Sunday after the first fullmoon after the begining of spring. In Russia we have special attributes of Easter: Easter eggs, and Easter "paska" that are baked according to the special recipe. It is a very nice spring holiday.
Victory Day is on the 9th of May. It is a sacred holiday for every Russian citizen. We are thankful to our grandfathers for the victory in the World War II.
Have been tested - Новые три вагона поезда-цистерны были испытаны в суровых зимних условия на ж/д в Аляске. will have been completed - Строительство моста и дамбы будет закончено к началу сезона навигации. are being constructed - В настоящее время в Европе и Азии строятся 2500 км скоростных линий. maintains - система кондиционирования воздуха всегда поддерживает оптимальную температуру и влажность в вагоне. is being built - В настоящее время новая высокоскоростная железнодорожная линия строится на севере России. has caused - Потоп значительно повредил железнодорожную ветку.
My Favourite Writer (M. Lermontov)
One of Russia's most celebrated poets of all times, Michael Lermontov was born in Moscow in the family of a nobleman. He spent his childhood and youth in Tarckany, in the province of Penza.
In 1830 Lermontov entered the Moscow University, but very soon he had to leave it. Then he entered St. Petersburg School of Cavalry Cadets. He finished it and served in the Hussar Regiment of the Imperial Guard.
In 1837 the poet was exiled to the Caucasus for his poem "Poets Death". In 1840 Lermontov was exiled to the Caucasus for the second time. He was provoked into personal quarrel with his schoolmate. The quarrel led to a duel. On July 15th, 1841 the poet was killed. He was not even 27 at that time.
Lermontov began writing when he was very young. One of his first writings to be published was his verse tale "Hadji Arbek".
But he won fame as a poet after his poem "Poets Death" was published. Lermontov's poems "Demon" "Mtsyri" his great novel "A Hero of Our Time" and his play "Masquerade" are masterpieces of Russian literature.
Whether he wrote poetry, drama or prose, the stamp of his genius was to be found on his works. Lermontov's influence as of a poet and a thinker on all Russian writes can't be overestimated.
Мой любимый писатель (М. Лермонтов)
Один из наиболее знаменитых поэтов России всех времен, Михаил Лермонтов родился в Москве в семье дворянина. Он провел свое детство и молодость в Тарханах Пензенской губернии.
В 1830 г. Лермонтов поступил в Московский университет, но вскоре вынужден был оставить учебу. Тогда он поступил в Санкт-петербургскую Школу кавалерийских юнкеров. Он закончил ее и служил в полку императорской охраны.
В 1837 г. поэт был сослан на Кавказ за свое стихотворение «Смерть поэта». В 1840 г. Лермонтов был сослан на Кавказ второй раз. Его спровоцировали на личную ссору с товарищем. Ссора привела к дуэли. 15-го июля 1841 г. поэт был убит. Ему не было даже 27 лет.
Лермонтов начал писать, когда он был еще очень молод. Одним из его первых опубликованных произведений был рассказ в стихах «Хаджи Арбек».
Как поэт он стал известным после того, как было опубликовано его стихотворение «Смерть поэта». Стихи Лермонтова «Демон», «Мцыри», роман «Герой нашего времени» и пьеса «Маскарад» являются шедеврами российской литературы.
Писал ли он поэзию, драму или прозу, печать гения лежала на всех его работах. Влияние Лермонтова как поэта и мыслителя на всю русскую письменность невозможно переоценить.