ответьте на вопросы: 1. what is email? 2. what do you think of this way of communication? 3. how often do you write emails? 4. how does email differ from a letter? 5. do you know any rules of writing an email?
1) Email is information stored on a computer that is exchanged between two users over telecommunications. More plainly, e-mail is a message that may contain text, files, images, or other attachments sent through a network to a specified individual or group of individuals. 2) This way of communications is very convenient when it is necessary to send 1 message to several people. 3) Once a month 4) Letters can sometimes be more fun but the thing is is that, when you send them out to someone they will take longer. Emails on the other hand are way faster and much easier and don't cost anything 5) the limit of words is limited ( точно не знаю какие ограничения,написал что ограничен лимит слов)
I live in Samara. Samara is a beautiful city, Samara has a lot of interesting places.My favorite places in Samara: Embankment of the Volga, Kuibyshev Square, Gagarin Park.But I love this Volga Embankment is a very beautiful place.In Samara, a lot of shops large and small, parks, theaters, schools.Our Samara has experienced a lot of things: the Great Patriotic War.Samara fought in World War II for his country (Russia).How much blood spilled Samara, he suffered much pain. In Samara, strong, strong, friendly people. I am proud of their city and love Samara!
Иркутск.Расположен в Восточной Сибири ,на берегах Ангары при впадении в неё Иркута.В 2013 году населения 606.137 тыс человек.Старинный Сибирский город основан как острог в 1661 году.В пожаре 1879 был сильно разрушен,но в скоро восстановлен.Иркутск-это круто. В Иркутске, как и во всей области, отбывали срок декабристы. Там много прекрасных древних архитектур, например старые дома.Одна из главных достопримечательностей это Байкал.Просто нечто. Это другой мир. Это красивая природа, которая понравится любому человеку.Известные люди Вампилов Александр,драматург.Гайдай Леонид,классик кино.Дзюба Алексей Топер игры вормикс,один из лучших игроков.
2) This way of communications is very convenient when it is necessary to send 1 message to several people.
3) Once a month
4) Letters can sometimes be more fun but the thing is is that, when you send them out to someone they will take longer. Emails on the other hand are way faster and much easier and don't cost anything
5) the limit of words is limited ( точно не знаю какие ограничения,написал что ограничен лимит слов)