Напишите на анлийском ) моя бабушка родилась в 1961г, мой дедушка родился 1958 г. моя мама родилась в 1985г. мой папа родился в 1981г. моя тетя родилась в 1980 г. мой дядя родился в 1979 г.
My grandmother was born in 1961. My grandfather was born in 1958. My mother was born in 1985. My father was born in 1981. My aunt was born in 1980. My uncle was born in 1979.
My grandmother was born in 1961, my grandfather was born 1958, my mother was born in 1985. my dad was born in 1981. my aunt was born in 1980 my uncle was born in 1979
1 Where did the children play football last week? Дети играли в футбол на стадиона на недели 2 Who work in militia? Они работают в милиции. 3 What will I give you the day after tomorrow? Послезавтра я дам тебе ту книгу. 4 How many questions does Tom always ask me? Том задает мне много вопросов. 5 Who are going to the classe at the moment? Сейчас студенты идут в кабинеты.
1 Does your friend help them? 2 Are they students or pupils? 3 Do your neighbours work? 4 Are there any books on the table? / Is there any book on the table? 5 Did she finish college two years ago?
My name is Kristina, I'm 16. I live in Kosterevo. I have a big family: Mother,Granny,Grandad, sisters and others. I have got a cat with name Margo. He is of the breed "Turkish Angora". My favorite color - blue. My favorite flowers is peonies and tulips. I like to draw, to photograph, to do bouquets with toys,listen to music, watch films. My favorite genres of movies is comedy, drama, historical movies. Most of all i like to photograph nature and kids. Also I like to travel. I was at many cities, like Saint-Petersburg,Crimea, Yaroslavl' ,Kostroma,Kazan' I would like to have a lot of places to visit. I finished 9 classies,after which i went to collage named after Morozov. Here a learned a lot and met new friends.
My grandfather was born in 1958.
My mother was born in 1985.
My father was born in 1981.
My aunt was born in 1980.
My uncle was born in 1979.