Портфолио: Напишите короткую статью о том, куда вы ходите в своё время (50-70 слов) Напишите 1.) Где это место 2) Что вы можете там делать 3.) Почему вам это нравится 4.) Как вы себя там чувствуете.
1.I like to visit places of interest and parks. 1. My favorite one is situated in the center of my hometown. 2. You can do almost everything you want out there. You can jogging, you can do physical exercises, you can buy your favorite ice cream when it`s necessary. 3. I like it because when you tired you can rest under the trees. 4. I`m feeling free in places like that.
There is no ideal school in the world. I think so and i can say some reasons why. First cause there are many bad pupils who do terrible things with their classmates and they say bad words. Second cause there are teachers who choose some pupils and they put good marks on their homework and these teachers choose some pupils and they put bad marks, they shout on them ! I hope what all teacher and pupils will be more kind, respect and trust each other!