Переведите 1. every year we get unusual presents from our granny . 2. do you like winter holidays? 3. what are you going to do on on christmas day? 4. look! they are leaving biscuits for santa. 5. when does father christmas work hard?
1.Каждый год мы получаем необычные подарки от бабушки 2.тебе нравятся зимние каникулы? 3.что ты собираешься делать на Рождество? 4.посмотри! они оставляют печеньки для санты 5.когда дед мороз усердно работает?
1. Каждый год мы получаем необычные подарки от нашей бабушки . 2. Ты любишь зимние каникулы? 3. Что ты собираешься делать на Рождество? 4. Смотри! Они оставляют печенье для Санты. 5. Когда Дед Мороз потрудиться?
I have so many school holidays and was recently a holiday Hellouin. They were all dressed so scary and funny dyed. All prazdnyvali with joy this holiday was so fun and funny all ate delicious food, played in all sorts of interesting games, laughing and some even told strshilki and then all went to ulittsu and we blew firecrackers. Well, then it was dark and we had to go home and it's not like the end carried a delicious cream cake we gladly eaten and razoshlisvse home. Here's a fun and a bit frightening was a celebration in our school. , frightening prozdnik was in our school. Про Хелоуин)
Wind up to 72 mph. Chimneys and road signs are damaged; branches of trees (1) _are_broken; small trees (2) _are_(pushed) over. Wind 73 to 112 mph. Moving cars (3) _are_ (pushed) off the roads; roofs (4) _are_(damaged). Wind 113 to 157 mph. Roofs (5) _are__(torn) off; large trees (6) _are_(pushed) over. Wind 158 to 206 mph. Trains (7) _are_(overturned). Wind from 207 to 260 mph. Weak structures (8) _are_(throwen) some distance away. Wind above 261 mph. Houses (9) _are_(thrown) long distances and (10) broken to pieces.