My room is not very big, but not so small. It is medium-sized. There is one big window with the view of the children’s playground, the shop and the bus stop. My room is very light. Under the window there is a wide windowsill with potted plants on it.
My room is decorated in light beige colour scheme. It features wooden furniture. The room is simple but very functional.
My room is divided into zones. There is a living area and a sleeping area. The sleeping area is located on a platform. There is a comfortable bed and a large wardrobe in this zone. There is a carpet on the floor. Next to my wardrobe there is a little shelf. This is the place where I keep all my awards and achievement certificates. At the moment there is only one medal and an honorary diploma. I go in for swimming and have won first place at a local schools’ competition.
The living area is located right opposite the sleeping area. There is a desk right by the window. I do my homework and study at the computer here. By the door on the left there is a huge soft bean bag and a small bookcase. I love reading and I read every day. Above the bean bag on the wall there is a world map. I love learning new things about different countries and dream that one day I will travel a lot.
My parents are going to give me a new modern stereo system as it is my birthday very soon. I will be able to listen to my favourite music. The stereo system will be located next to the bean bag. I already have a little table for it. I like my room very much. I like spending time here.
на русск.
Моя комната не очень большая, но и не очень маленькая. Она среднего размера. В ней одно большое окно, которое выходит на детскую площадку, магазин и автобусную остановку. Моя комната очень светлая. Под окном широкий подоконник, на котором стоят цветы в горшках.
Моя комната оформлена в светло-бежевой цветовой гамме. Она обставлена деревянной мебелью. Комната проста, но очень функциональна.
Моя комната поделена на зоны. В ней есть жилая и спальная зоны. Спальная зона находится на возвышении. Здесь находится удобная кровать и большой шкаф для одежды. На полу постелен ковер. Рядом со шкафом есть небольшая полочка. На ней хранятся мои награды и сертификаты о достижениях. Пока что на ней только одна медаль и почетная грамота. Я занимаюсь плаванием и на местных школьных соревнованиях занял первое место.
Жилая зона располагается прямо напротив спальной зоны. Возле окна стоит письменный стол. Здесь я выполняю домашнее задание и учусь за компьютером. Рядом с дверью, слева, стоит огромное мягкое кресло-мешок и небольшой книжный шкаф. Я очень люблю читать и каждый день читаю. Над креслом, на стене висит карта мира. Я люблю узнавать новое о других странах и мечтаю о том, что когда-нибудь смогу много путешествовать.
Мои родители собираются подарить мне новую современную стереосистему, так как совсем скоро у меня день рождения. Я смогу слушать свою любимую музыку. Стереосистема будет стоять возле кресла. У меня уже есть небольшой столик для нее. Мне очень нравится моя комната. Я люблю проводить здесь время.
Olga asked what they were doing there.
Emily answered that they had been visiting her friend Jane. Then she asked, what Olga was doing there as well.Olga anwered that one of the doctors, whom she had known for ages, had phoned her and asked for help.
Mark asked what had happened?
Olga anwered that a Russian lady and her son had come to the hospital that morning. The boy was very ill, but he and his mother couldn't explain anything. She had to come to translate for them.
Misha said that he could help too.
Rob added that they all would go.
Olga thanked them, but she didn't think that it was a good idea. She couldn't take them all with her.
Emily said that the Grandma was right. She said that Misha could go with her and that they all could wait there.