1. I should try to go to sleep earlier. 2. I must help my mother with daily house work. 3. I might catch a cold if don’t wear warmer clothes when it is cold outside. 4. People should have compassion for each other. 5. I would like to go to the cinema with my friends on Sunday. 6. I might get into trouble if I misbehave. 7. She might forget her homework at home. 8. He will be late for work if he doesn’t set the alarm. 9. We could throw a surprise birthday party for our friend. 10. Of I skip classes I would fall behind. 11. She must be at home, the lights are on.
My favourite channel is Discovery. I watch this channel since childhood and I must say that thanks to it my perception of the world became richer. I’ve learned many interesting things, connected with science, technology and history. In fact, Discovery comes in many different languages. So, when I want to improve my listening skills I watch it in English.
Мой любимый канал Дискавери. Я смотрю этот канал с детства и должен сказать, что благодаря этому, мое восприятие мира стало шире. Я узнал много интересного из области науки, технологии и истории. На самом деле, Дискавери доступен на разных языках. Поэтому, когда я хочу улучшить свои навыки аудирования, то смотрю его на английском языке.
Chocolate- chocolate
A Fish-Fish