TV was invented in the 1920s, the Scottish electrical engineer John LOGI Baird. . This invention changed the world and habits for countless millions around the world. It had been realised that light could be converted into electrical impulses, making it possible to transmit such impulses over a distance and then reconvert them into light. It was a revolutionary discovery. Humanity started to use extensively in all areas of TV. So, TV is so dear to us that we cannot even live without it now.
I live in one of the most beautiful cities of the world. Sometimes St Petersburg is called the second capital of the Russian Federation. Tourists from different countries come to St Petersburg to visit its famous museums and to walk along Nevsky Prospect. You can see tourists from France and the United States, China and Great Britain in Dvortsovaya Square. There are also lots of Russian tourists from Krasnodar and Vladivostok, from Kaliningrad and Moscow. Would you like to visit St Petersburg some day?
Киты времени! Серых Китов часто называют "дружелюбные киты", они совершают удивительное путешествие каждый год. С Апреля по Ноябрь киты остаются в холодных водах Арктики ищут еду. Затем, с Декабря по Апрель они уплывают в более тёплые воды Мексики чтобы завести своих детей! Серые Киты путешестуют больше миль чем любое другое млекопитающее на земле. Они не нуждаются в билетах, паспортах и чемоданах, и я уверен что все они Киты времени! (окончание странное, но я по другому не знаю как)
It was a revolutionary discovery. Humanity started to use extensively in all areas of TV. So, TV is so dear to us that we cannot even live without it now.