I have a student's book in the bookcase. there is a carpet on the floor. The box is under the desk. the picture is behind the armchair. the sofa is nrxt to the armchair. the TV is in front of the sofa.
1. Anton Chekhov wrote a lot of plays during his life- Антон Чехов написал много спектаклей в течение своей жизни 2. We didn't catch much fish yesterday- Мы не поймали много рыб вчера 3. In the near future these types of vehicles will be used everywhere- В недалёком будущем этот тип транспорта будет применяться/использоваться везде 1. Mrs. Smith's husband often gives her flowers- Муж Мисиз Смит часто дарит ей цветы 2. The boys' hats are red- У мальчиков красные шапки 3. The children's toys are all over the floor- Детские игрушки раскиданы на полу
there is a carpet on the floor.
The box is under the desk.
the picture is behind the armchair.
the sofa is nrxt to the armchair.
the TV is in front of the sofa.