1. We have missed the first act of the play because when we arrived at the theatre the performance already had started.
2. At the time of the trial last summer Hinkley has been in prison for eight months.
3. The staff was paid weekly but now they are receiving a monthly salary.
4. Denise had left school early on Wednesday because she was taking her driving test.
5. What’s the point in arguing with people who are holding very strong opinions?
6. Many of the survivors have been working in the fields when the earthquake struck.
7. Phil stood at the door soaked from head to toe: he has been running in the rain.
8. Jim will leave on the early flight the next morning so he made his excuses and left the party before midnight.
9. It seems to me, Minister, that the Government have broken all its pre-election promises regarding the Health Service, (18) нет слова в скобках?
10. It must be raining really hard. All the passers-by were soaked through.
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Вред не означает повреждение . Я встаю рано всю свою жизнь и это не плохо.Ваши слова не приятны, они задевают меня. Большой вред был причинен огнем в году. Поджечь. Огонь - условие горения. Она боится огня. Опасность пожара в старом деревянном доме очень велика. Никто не знает, кто поджигал дом. Сохранять что-то чистым, означает продолжать быть чистым. Содержите свое рабочее место в чистоте. Если Вы не чистите зубы, это причинит вам вред.