Minsk is the capital of the Republic of Belarus, its political, economic, cultural and scientific center. It is an ancient city and dates back to the 11th century. There is one version of how it came into being. Gleb Vseslavovich took proposition of Minsk from his father and made it the capital of an independent Principality. There are certain proofs that it was a flourishing commercial center located at the crossroads of the traditional trade rout from east to west and from north to south.
Minsk is situated on the river Svisloch and occupies an area of 200 square kilometers. Its population is about 2 million people. During the Great Patriotic War Minsk was destroyed by German invaders almost completely. Minsk lay in ruins. The people of Belarus rebuilt the city. Victory Square, the Eternal Flame at the monument commemorates soldiers, underground fighters, partisans who fell in the battles for freedom f our motherland. The names of many streets of the city commemorate many heroes.
My name is Ann. I am a schoolgirl. I have many different hobbies. One of them is collecting coins, sometimes called numismatics. This hobby is one of the oldest hobbies in the world. I have some special albums for coins where I keep them. I have coins from different countries. Some of them are very strange. They come in different shapes. They are not only round, some coins are square, some have holes in them. They come in different colour, too. Some are red and some are white. They are even of different material. I have some silver and gold coins in my collection. These coins are very expensive and are not used in everyday life. I can't say that my collection is thematic, I collect them all, old and modern, metal and wooden. There are a lot of coins in my collection which were minted to commemorate some special events of our country. My collection is not very big, but I am proud of it. When my friends come to visit me, I show it to them and they are happy to see it.
Before last week's competition, he has three medals.