ответ:The mo st importont part of English Christ mas is, oR courge the gala dinnet. For mary centuyles peoplе ol Britain have served the plum- pornidge or plum- pudding Cor this nig ht. Ie's a зреcial dish Cvom oalmeal boiled in broth and Served vith raisins olmonds, prunes and honey. Traditionally, thene were four ob jects hidden in this
Объяснение:The mo st importont part of English Christ mas is, oR courge the gala dinnet. For mary centuyles peoplе ol Britain have served the plum- pornidge or plum- pudding Cor this nig ht. Ie's a зреcial dish Cvom oalmeal boiled in broth and Served vith raisins olmonds, prunes and honey. Traditionally, thene were four ob jects hidden in this
I wanted to buy his cousin a huge Christmas present happiness, health and love but the most important thing is my gift that they live forever.