In today's world, the role of a foreign language is important and undeniable. Knowledge of foreign languages opens up a completely different world, givesthe ability to communicate with people living in another country, learn their way of life, traditions and culture. Not one person there is no doubt that learning foreign languages is important and necessary. Knowledge of a foreign language will help us to easily navigate in a strange city, meet interesting people, learn about the little things of life of a people that are not found in any directory. Learn a foreign language is difficult, but good to know the purpose and the opportunities that will be opened in front of you. The main thing to understand that the role of foreign languages in our world is great, and they should strive to learn as much as possible, so as not to experience difficulties in communication. Knowledge of foreign languages - is the key to a fulfilling life in the world of people that inhabit our planet.Learn a foreign language quickly impossible. So if we know that we need to know a foreign language, you should try to give it their full attention and start learning a foreign language in advance.
Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova - the Soviet astronaut, the first-ever female astronaut, the major general (1995). Hero of the Soviet Union (1963), Hera of Socialist Work ChSSR (1963), Hera of Socialist Work NRB (1963), Hera Truda of Vietnam (1971), Hera of Work MNR. Candidate of Technical Sciences, professor. Space pilot of the USSR No. 6, 10 astronaut of the world. The only woman in the world who made space flight alone. The Russia's first woman in a rank the major general. Deputy of the State Duma of the VI convocation from "United Russia", vice-chairman of the State Duma International Affairs Committee. Member of the Supreme council of "United Russia"
Валенти́на Влади́мировна Терешко́ва - советский космонавт, первая в мире женщина-космонавт, генерал-майор (1995). Герой Советского Союза (1963), Герой Социалистического Труда ЧССР (1963), Герой Социалистического Труда НРБ (1963), Герой Труда Вьетнама (1971), Герой Труда МНР. Кандидат технических наук, профессор. Лётчик-космонавт СССР № 6, 10-й космонавт мира. Единственная в мире женщина, совершившая космический полёт в одиночку. Первая в России женщина в звании генерал-майор. Депутат Государственной думы VI созыва от «Единой России», заместитель председателя комитета Госдумы по международным делам. Член Высшего совета «Единой России»