Відповідь: 1. His father is not watching TV at the moment. He is sleeping because he is tired.
2. Pat is not cooking dinner at the moment. She is talking on the phone. She cooks dinner every Monday.
3. I am not drinking coffee now. I am writing an English exercise.
4. I don't drink coffee in the evening. I drink coffee in the morning.
5. Is your friend doing his homework now?
6. Does your friend go to school in the morning?
7. Look! The baby is sleeping.
8. The baby always sleeps after dinner.
9. My grandmother doesn't work. She is on a pension.
10. My father is not sleeping now. He is working in the garden.
11. I usually get up at seven o'clock in the morning.
12. What is your sister doing now? - She is washing her face and hands.
13. When do you usually come home from school? I come at three o'clock.
14. Where does your cousin work? - He works at a hospital.
15. Is your sister studying at college? No, she studies at school.
16. My cousin goes to school every day.
17. My mother is not playing the piano now. She plays the piano in the morning.
18. When do you listen to the news on the radio?
19. Who is making breakfast for you now?
20. Are you reading a magazine and thinking about your holiday at the moment?
I 1) fast 2) difficult 3) slow 4) loud
II Ann: Was the concert good?
Tom: Yes, it was. The musicians were great.
Ann: Was Lara there?
Tom: Yes, she was.
Ann: Were you tired by the end of the concert?
Tom: Yes, we were. We were home very late.
Первое задание на лексику. Перевод предложений: 1)Мой брат быстрый бегун. Он выигрывает все свои состязания. 2) Мой друг считает математику лёгкой, но я думаю, что она очень сложная. 3) Этот автобус слишком медленный, давай в следующий раз возьмём такси, ведь так будет быстрее , выключи музыку, она слишком громкая.
Второе задание на грамматику Past Simple. Was пишется с I,he,she,it, а were - you, we, they.
Я надеюсь, что смогла . Удачи!
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