dear (имя друга или подруги)
i missed you so much and i havent seen you for a while. i have so much to tell you. can i visit you in a while? maybe i'll come next week or these weekends. i really want to talk to you and hear your news. i can tell you some of mine now- we moved into new house it big and i like it a lot. last week i went to my aunts weddig, and my sister finished school and passed all her tests.
sincerely (твоё имя)
see you soon.
дорогой(имя друга)
я очень по тебе скучаю, и не видел тебя очень долго. у меня столько новостей чтоб тебе рассказать. может я могу к тебе приехать на следующей недели или в эти выходные. я очень хочу с тобой поразговаривать и услышить твои новости. но я могу рассказать немного сейчас- я переехала в новый дом, на недели я побывала у своей тети на свадьбе и моя сестра закончила школу.
до встречи.
Ну как-то так! надеюсь
Peppa Pig is the main character of the British children's television show "Peppa Pig". Peppa's got a father (Daddy Pig), a mother (Mummy Pig) and a younger brother George.
Peppa Pig always wears a red dress. She likes jumping in muddy puddles, playing with her teddy bear and going to playgroup. I believe Peppa is four years old. She's got lots of friends.
George is two years old. No wonder he doesn't say much and cries often. His favourite toy is a dinosaur, which was given to him as a present by Grandpa and Granny Pig. George wears a blue shirt.
Peppa and George's mother is patient, kind and wise. She works on a computer at home.
Daddy Pig works as an architect. He wears glasses. He is always in a good mood and never lets anything get him down.
They are a friendly family.