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Нужно из этого теста найти past simple , и тд и все времена которые там есть и глаголы выписать announcer: good evening! dear guests, welcome to our tv studio. listen and see our program "for those who think". life and energy is our problem. the world's energy resources are limited. nobody knows exactly how much fuel is left. of course, we have to do something and do it as soon as possible. unit 6 161 i'd like to welcome our first guest, professor oleg petrov. professor oleg petrov: well, we are in energy crisis and we'll have to do something quickly. fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) are rapidly running out. the tragedy is that fossil fuels are too valuable to waste on the production of electricity. i think that nuclear power is the only real alternative. we are getting some electricity from nuclear power already. there has been a lot of protest against nuclear power. but nuclear power-stations will not be as dangerous as some people say if safety regulations in power-stations are very strict. announcer: thank you, professor. our next guest is a member of the campaign against nuclear energy, mr. dymov. mr. dymov: right. i must disagree totally with professor petrov. let's look at the facts. in the case of an accident huge areas are evacuated, and they remain contaminated with radioactivity for years. radioactivity causes cancer and may affect future generations. next, nuclear waste. there is no technology for absolutely safe disposal. some of this waste will remain active for thousands of years. is that what you want to leave to your children? and their children's children? i consider that nuclear energy is expensive, dangerous, and evil, and most of all, absolutely unnecessary. but dr. krimova will be saying more about the problem. announcer: thank you, mr. dymov. now i'm very pleased to welcome dr. krimova, our final speaker. she is the author of several books on alternative technology. dr. krimova: hello! i'd like to begin by agreeing with mr. dymov. we can develop alternative sources of power. instead of burning fossil fuels we should be concentrating on more economic uses of electricity. electricity can be produced from any source of energy. you can save more by conservation than you can produce for the same money. unless we do research on solar energy, wind power, wave power, tidal power, etc., our fossil fuels will run out, and we'll all freeze or starve to death. we have to spend much more on research, and don't forget that energy from the sun, the waves and the wind lasts forever. we really won't survive unless we start working on cleaner, safer sources of energy. announcer: thank you very much, dr. krimova. now we are opening the discussion.

Present simple - is, knows, have, are, think, say, remain, causes, want, consider, do, do not forget, lasts, start Present simple (passive voice) - are limited, is left, are evacuated, am pleased, Future simple - will have, will not be, will remain, will run out, will freeze or starve, won't survive Present continuous - are running out, are getting, are opening Present perfect - had been, Future continuous - will be saying P.s. Сделала, учитывая классическое количество времен в английском языке в активном и пассивном залоге
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One way to describe nouns (people, objects, animals, etc.) is by comparing them to something else. When comparing two things, you’re likely to use adjectives like smaller, bigger, taller, more interesting, and less expensive. Notice the ‑er ending, and the words more and less. A mistake that both native speakers and non-native speakers make is using incorrectly formed comparative adjectives. See the sentences below for an illustration of this common error:

His cat is more large than my dog.

His cat is larger than my dog.

So what makes the first example wrong and the second right? There are a few rules that explain this:

For adjectives that are just one syllable, add -er to the end (this explains the above example).

For two-syllable adjectives not ending in -y and for all three-or-more-syllable adjectives, use the form “more + adjective.”

For two-syllable adjectives ending in -y, change the -y to -i and add -er.

These simple rules make it easy to tell when you should add -er or -ier and when you should use “more + adjective.”

Here are a few more examples:

This house is more exciting than ever.

This house is excitinger than ever.

Mike is funnier than Isaac.

Mike is more funny than Isaac.

Notice the spelling change for adjectives ending in ‑y: the comparative ends in ‑ier.

This book is boringer than the last one.

This book is more boring than the last one.

Advertising pressures women to be more thin .

Advertising pressures women to be thinner .


When comparing more than two things, you’ll likely use words and phrases like smallest, biggest, tallest, most interesting, and least interesting. Notice the ‑est ending and the words most and least. Make sure you use the proper ending or superlative adjective when forming these superlatives. The examples below illustrate the correct form:

Martha is the elder of the four sisters.

If there were only two sisters, we could use the comparative elder here. Because there are four sisters, we need a superlative.

Martha is the eldest of the four sisters.

Here are a couple of other examples:

I think his last book is his least interesting ; his third book was the most interesting .

That must be the weirdest play ever written.

Remember that adjectives ending in ‑y change their spelling when ‑est is added. To form these superlatives, change the y to an i before adding the -est ending, as illustrated below:

That is the sleepyest puppy of the litter.

That is the sleepiest puppy of the litter.

Forming Comparative and Superlatives of Irregular Adjectives

It’s important to note that there are irregular adjectives (and adverbs) that you have to memorize because they don’t follow the rules above. They are:

Adjective/Adverb Comparative Superlative

good/well better best

bad/badly worse worst

far farther, further the farthest, the furthest

little less least

Here are some examples of these irregular words as comparatives and superlatives in context:

Today I had the best time touring the city.

I went farther than my friend when we walked around the park.

You dance better than I do.

You bought the least attractive pair of moccasins at the thrift store.

He can run the farthest of his classmates, but that’s only once around the track.

I do badly in math, but at least I’m not the worst .

Comparative and Superlative of “Handsome”

Besides the irregular words in the table above, one other unclear comparative/superlative choice is handsomer/more handsome and handsomest/most handsome. The rules call for handsomer and handsomest, but usage has changed over time. Modern speakers prefer more handsome to handsomer, and there is an even split between handsomest and most handsome. Preferred usage typically follows what native speakers say, and the trend seems to be moving toward the simpler construction of more + adjective and the most + adjective.


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I can speak English. My father can not speak German. Can you speak French? My sister can not skating. Can you swim across this river? I can't drink this milk. She can't understand you. Could you swim last year? Last year I could not skiing, but now I can. Could you tell me how to get to railway station? Could you help me? I can't translate this sentence. Where can I buy bread here? Could your grandmother dance when she was young? Yes, she could and she can now.

Will you be able to do this work tomorrow? I think, she won't be able to make this task. Tomorrow I will be free and be able to help you. Will we be able to go to New York next year? Will you be able to fix my tape recorder?  Yesterday I could not see the director , because he was at the conference, but today after work I will be able to.
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