1) Everyone can contribute. 2) "Make a Difference" Day happens on the fourth Saturday of October every year. (V) 3) Last year, 3 million people volunteered on that day by doing different charity projects. 4) You also can make your contribution to the day by cleaning your local park or visiting an elderly person. 5) Help with collecting clothes or food for those in need. 6) Making donations to charity is also very important. 7) The project can be large or small - make a difference on "Make a Difference" Day! (V)
2. will point - future simp - to point
3. were - past simp - to be
1. Порты ввода / вывода подключают различные устройства памяти и вс микросхемы к общей шине.
2. Мы укажем на сходства и на различия между этими различными микропроцессорами.
3. Не так давно компьютеры не были очень надежны и сравнительно медленно работали.