вот все ответы того урока
1 задание: beatiful, colorful будет синим
2 задание: awful будет синим, а happy, pleased морковным
3 задание: young - younger, the youngest
pretty - prettier, the prettiest
bad - worse the worst
4 задание: 1 - painted in oil by leanardo da vinci
2 - became one of the most important
3 - one of the best works of Ivan Shishkin
5 задание: 1 - the largest
2 - older
3 - brighter
4 - the most popular
5 - the best
6 задание: There is the most famous Abylkhan Kasteyev’s picture. There are two women making some traditional food in the foreground . There is big yurt on the left side. Near the yurt we can see a boy. There are high and very cold mountains in the background. 1) foreground. 2) on . 3) in.
7 задание: Art
8 задание: won the school competition. - Lena
asked questions about art. - Talgat
described Abylkhan Kasteyev’s painting. - Lena
9 задание: Lena is very famous artist who came to school to share experience. - False
Lena doesn’t have a favorite painter. - False
Lena didn’t visit museums in London. - True