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29.09.2020 23:37 •  Английский язык

Заполни пропуски недостающими проверь себя, фразами. образец: it is a little kid. (a little sheep) it is a little kid. it is not a little sheep. 1) it is a park. (a wood) 2)it is a cup. mug) 3)it is a lorry) 4)it is an elf. troll) 5)it is a cat . dog) 6)it is a clock. lamp) 7)it is a duck) 8)it is a bench. bed) 9)it is a red and black dish. (a black dish) 10)it is a book. a map)

1) It is a park. (It's not a wood)
2) It is a cup. (It's not a mug)
3) It is a van.(It's not a lorry)
4) It is an elf. (It's not a troll)
5) It is a cat . (It's not a dog)
6) It is a clock. (It's not a lamp)
7) It is a cock.(It's not a duck)
8) It is a bench. (It's not a bed)
9) It is a red and black dish. (It's not a black dish)
10) It is a book. (It's not a map)
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По заданному тексту можно сформулировать следующий вопрос: Какие две станции считаются самыми загруженными в Европе и почему?

Ответ: В Европе две самые загруженные железнодорожные станции - Гар дю Нор в Париже и Клапем-Джанкшн в Лондоне. Гар дю Нор является самой загруженной в Европе по количеству людей, приезжающих и уезжающих на поездах. Ежегодно из этой станции уезжает или прибывает около 190 миллионов человек. Эта станция была первоначально открыта 14 июня 1846 года, но вскоре стало понятно, что она слишком мала для такого большого потока пассажиров, и в 1864 году была разрушена и вместо нее была построена новая, более крупная. Строительство новой станции было закончено в 1865 году, но пассажиры могли все еще пользоваться станцией во время завершения работ.

Клапем-Джанкшн, расположенная на юге Лондона, является станцией с наибольшим числом проходящих через нее поездов в Европе. Станция была открыта 2 марта 1863 года, немного раньше, чем Гар дю Нор. Сегодня через Клапем-Джанкшн проходит около 2000 поездов каждый день. Во время самых загруженных часов через эту станцию проходит более 170 поездов в час, или около трех поездов каждую минуту. Однако, поскольку некоторые поезда не останавливаются на этой станции, через нее проходит меньше людей, чем через Гар дю Нор.

Таким образом, Гар дю Нор в Париже является самой загруженной станцией в Европе по количеству пассажиров, а Клапем-Джанкшн в Лондоне - по числу проходящих поездов.
4,6(48 оценок)
1. Financial regulators are responsible for overseeing and enforcing the rules and regulations that govern the financial industry.
Explanation: Financial regulators are governmental organizations or agencies that monitor and regulate financial activities to ensure the stability and integrity of the financial system. They have the authority to make and enforce rules to protect consumers, investors, and the economy as a whole.

2. Sovereign debt payment refers to the repayment of the national debt by a country to its creditors.
Explanation: Sovereign debt is the amount of money that a government borrows from domestic or international creditors to finance its activities. Sovereign debt payment involves repaying the principal amount borrowed and any interest that has accrued over time.

3. Terrorism financing is the process of providing funds or financial support to terrorist organizations or activities.
Explanation: Terrorism financing involves the transfer of money or other assets for the purpose of supporting terrorist acts. This can include contributions from individuals, organizations, or even governments that are used to finance terrorist activities, such as purchasing weapons or planning attacks.

4. Money laundering is the illegal process of making illicitly obtained money appear legal.
Explanation: Money laundering is the process of disguising the origins of illegally obtained money, usually through a series of complex transactions. This is done to make the money appear legitimate and to hide its true source, making it difficult for authorities to trace its origins.

5. Self-regulation refers to the practice of an industry or profession regulating itself without external intervention.
Explanation: Self-regulation occurs when a particular industry or profession establishes its own rules, standards, and codes of conduct to ensure ethical behavior and maintain the integrity of the industry. It involves monitoring and enforcing these rules internally, without the need for external regulatory authorities.

6. The finance ministry is a government department or ministry responsible for managing a country's finances and economy.
Explanation: The finance ministry is usually headed by a minister or secretary who oversees economic policy, fiscal management, and financial regulation. This ministry plays a crucial role in formulating and implementing economic policies, managing public finances, and overseeing financial institutions.

7. The treasury is a government department responsible for managing a country's finances and public funds.
Explanation: The treasury is often associated with the management of the government's financial resources, including revenue collection, budgeting, and expenditure control. It plays a key role in ensuring the financial stability and sustainability of a country.

8. The domestic financial system refers to the financial institutions and markets within a specific country's borders.
Explanation: The domestic financial system encompasses banks, financial institutions, stock markets, and other financial intermediaries within a country. It facilitates the allocation of funds between savers and borrowers, supports economic growth, and provides financial services to individuals and businesses.

9. Fraudulent activity refers to dishonest acts or behavior intended to deceive or mislead for personal gain.
Explanation: Fraudulent activity involves deceit, misrepresentation, or manipulation for financial or personal gain. It can take many forms, such as identity theft, insurance fraud, or Ponzi schemes, and is often illegal and punishable by law.

10. Safeguarding refers to the protection, preservation, and security of assets, individuals, or organizations from potential harm or threat.
Explanation: Safeguarding involves measures taken to ensure the safety and security of people, resources, or systems. In the context of finance, it can refer to efforts to protect against fraud, theft, or misuse of funds, as well as maintaining the integrity and stability of the financial system.
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