My class is the best in my school. There are many good and kind classmates in it. We always help together with homework and projects. I love my class because I have many amazing friends in it. I like when my classmates invite me in museums and in art galleries. We never leave our friends in trouble.
1)You must go to school every day!(Ты должен ходить в школу каждый день) 2)If you want to master any subject, you must study very hard, indeed!(Если Вы хотите овладеть любым предметом, вы должны очень усердно учиться. 3)There are difficulties that cannot be overcome. (Нет такмх трудностей, которых нельзя одолеть.) 4)Don`t interrupt teacher when she is talking( Не прерывай учителя, когда она говорит) 5)You must always be polite.Ты должен быть всегда вежливым 6)If you haven`t got the book, go and borrow it from your friend.Если у тебя нет книги, пойди и займи ее у своего друга. 7)If you learn all the wolds of the lessons, you will write your dictation well. Если вы выучите все слова урока, вы напишите хорошо диктант. 8)You must not forgot about homework.Ты не должен забывать о домашней работе. 9) Always try to do homework very well.Всегда старайся делать домашнию работу очень хорошою 10)All children must obey teachers.Все дети должны слушаться учителей.
2 We ___ Peter this week. (have not seen) 3 I have never been to England. 4 What time ... your father finish work in the evening? does 5 I'm going away tomorrow morning. My train is at 8.40. Sam's plane arrives at midnight. 6 I hate big cities. How much does it cost to send a letter to Paris? It often rains in this part of the world. 7 Can you help me? I don't know the way to the market. 8 Where is it more beautiful, in the mountains or near the sea? 9 My parents live in Moscow. 10 My wife ... home yet. hasn't come