1. Charles Dickens was born in 1812 in a clerk's family.
2. His father had a big debt; as he could not pay it, he was eventually sent to prison.
3. Soon, fate smiled at him: he began to work in a law office.
4. At first he sometimes worked as a reporter for various newspapers, then he was hired by one of the newspapers.
5.When "Pickwick Club" came out, Dickens became a famous writer of that time.
6. Dickens worked constantly, published newspapers and magazines, read excerpts from his books.
7.The stress of recent months has led to the sudden death of Dickens.
8. In England there is no other writer who would exert such an influence on all segments of the population.
9.The main reason for the popularity of Dickens is that he loves people and tolerates both good and bad people.
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2) I think Andrew is an optimist; he always .5) hopes...d) for the best.
3) The big ocean-going ship ...3) arrived...c) at the same port..as their small boat.
4) A small river ...7) ranb) through the forest. Its water was fairly clear.
5) Let's ...2) remember...f) our old friends.. and send postcards to them.
6) Arnold was brave, but he never ..6) fought..a) with his enemies
7)Foxes 4) hunt e) for small animals.