1. She is reading for the attorney exam. 2. Students were busily writing notes. 3. She was talking of her trip. 4. They were speaking in Japanese. 5. I am sure she is speaking the truth. 6. I will be running at the competition at 5 o'clock tomorrow. 7. The trains aren't running now. 8. I will be dining alone tonight. 9. I will be listening to a tape in the car.
I bought a new phone. It's amazing. It's got a very good media player and access to Internet.
Wow, that's cool. But even though we use our phones every day, I prefer computers.
However good a phone's media player is, the computer's one is always better. And it's got a huge screen.
But you can't always take it with you. For example, if you need to go on a vacation, you can't take a huge computer with you, but you always take a phone. And plus, it's got a camera, which also is always with you! Isn't it awesome?
Well, yes. But in case you need to print something or use a program to do something, a computer is the way to.
You're right, too. I guess both a computer and a phone have got their goods.
The cow is a big domestic animal .It is white with dark spots. Сows eat plants. Baby cow - calf,which drinks mother`s milk. The cow have a lot of milk , because she eats a juicy summer grass and winter hay. Home cow gives milk, from which then make butter , cheese, cottage cheese and sour cream. And it gives us the meat. The cow is a useful animal! Корова велика домашня тварина .Це білий з темними плямами. Корови їдять рослини. Маленька корова - теля, п'є молоко у мами. У корови є багато молока, бо вона їсть соковиту траву влітку і взимку сіно. Головна корова дає молоко, з якого потім роблять масло, сир, сир і сметану. І вона дає нам м'ясо. Корова це корисна тварина!