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15.04.2022 18:14 •  Английский язык

Vii. tell the following passage in english однажды маму и меня пригласили в местный театр. билеты были заказаны заранее. я знала, что наши места.будут в ложе. по правде говоря, мама была не совсем до вольна. она говорила, что совсем не знает пьесы и боится, что эта пьеса для взрослых, а не для детей моего возраста. я, конечно, с нетерпением ожидала дня даже сейчас, когда я вспоминаю этот спектакль, я чув ствую себя особенно счастливой. вся пьеса продолжалась не больше двадцати-двадцати пяти минут. когда поднялся занавес, мы увидели, как какой-то красивый, но не молодой человек разговаривает с какой-то женщиной, ко торая выглядела гораздо моложе его. она была одета по последней моде. я поняла, что это была его жена. вдруг вошла горничная и сказала этому человеку, что кто-то к нему пришел. тогда его жена вышла из комнаты, и горничная ввела застенчивую белокурую девочку лет четырнадцати. я догадалась, что эта девочка—дочь того человека и что он оставил свою семью. войдя в комнату, девочка осмотрелась вокруг и про тянула отцу деньги. она пришла, чтобы отвергнуть его . она старалась взять себя.в руки, но в ее глазах стояли слезы, настоящие слезы. она старалась убедить отца, что им ничего не нужно, что ее мать может воспи тать детей сама, но у меня было такое чувство, что она хочет сказать ему: «мы все любим тебя, папа, мы так несчастны без тебя». я испытывала жалость к девочке и гордилась ею наконец занавес опустился, и зрители стали аплоди ровать. «как хорошо и убедительно играет эта девочка»,— сказала я своему другу лёне, который сидел рядом со мной. «а она вовсе не девочка,— ответил лёня.— она актриса. вот гляди». он показал мне программу, и я про читала, что роль оли исполняет артистка комиссаржев- ская. эта была моя первая встреча с моей любимой актри сой, великой комиссаржевской.

One day my mother and I was invited to a local theater. The tickets were booked in advance . I knew that our places will be in the box . Honestly, my mother was not quite content . She said she does not know the play , and fears that this play is for adults , not for kids my age . Of course, I was looking forward to the date of the show...

Even now, when I remember this performance , I feel myself particularly happy. The play lasted no more than twenty to twenty-five minutes. When the curtain rose , we saw some beautiful, but not very young man talking to another woman , who looked much younger than him. She was dressed in the latest fashion . I realized that it was his wife .

Suddenly the maid came and told the man that someone came to him . Then his wife left the room , and the maid introduced shy blonde girl of about fourteen . I guessed that this girl is the daughter of the man , and that he left his family

Entering the room , the girl looked around and gave money to her father . She came to reject his help. She tried to take hold of herself, but her eyes were full of tears , real tears . She tried to convince her father that she does not need anything , that her mother was able to rise children on her own, but I had the feeling that she wants to tell him : "We all love you, Dad , we're so miserable without you ." I felt sorry for the girl and proud of her ...

Finally, the curtain came down , and the audience began to applause. "How good and convincingly played the girl " - I said to my friend Lёnya , who sat next to me . " And she is not a girl - she said Lёnya.- She is an actress . Look."

He showed me the program , and I read that the role of Olya is played by artist Komissarzhevskaya . This was my first meeting with my beloved actress , great Komissarzhevskaya.
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My classmate Marina are very pleasant and kind.

She has beautiful green eyes, thick black eyebrows, red lips, straight nose, round pretty face, a sharp chin. When she smiles his charming white smile, her cheeks appear dimples.
Another decoration of Marina - her gorgeous thick chocolate hair color. She likes to braid hair in a braid and do different hairstyles. 

Marina is very friendly and kind nature. Open minded and full of energy and warmth. Marina is the undisputed leader, she is able to unite the team and ignite a healthy competition spirit. It is very easy and nice to make friends, to communicate and to learn. She is reliable and loyal, does not like gossip, has a high level of responsibility and very attentive to the feelings of others. 

Marina high goals and big ambitions. She plans to become a doctor and seeing her hard work and will power, I am absolutely convinced that it will achieve its goal and become an outstanding professional and will make scientific discoveries. 

I am very glad that I have such a classmate Marina. I truly believe in its great success and happy future
4,4(81 оценок)
My classmate Marina are very pleasant and kind.

She has beautiful green eyes, thick black eyebrows, red lips, straight nose, round pretty face, a sharp chin. When she smiles his charming white smile, her cheeks appear dimples.
Another decoration of Marina - her gorgeous thick chocolate hair color. She likes to braid hair in a braid and do different hairstyles. 

Marina is very friendly and kind nature. Open minded and full of energy and warmth. Marina is the undisputed leader, she is able to unite the team and ignite a healthy competition spirit. It is very easy and nice to make friends, to communicate and to learn. She is reliable and loyal, does not like gossip, has a high level of responsibility and very attentive to the feelings of others. 

Marina high goals and big ambitions. She plans to become a doctor and seeing her hard work and will power, I am absolutely convinced that it will achieve its goal and become an outstanding professional and will make scientific discoveries. 

I am very glad that I have such a classmate Marina. I truly believe in its great success and happy future
4,7(8 оценок)
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