The Unicorn
People have always liked to make up stories about unusual creatures. One of the most beautiful mythological creatures is the unicorn.
The unicorn is described as an animal resembling a horse, often with a horn on its forehead. Its image appeared thousands of years ago in Mesopotamian artworks and in the ancient myths of India and China. In Ancient Greece people believed that those who drank from its horn were protected from stomachache, epilepsy, and poison. In the beginning the unicorn was not so beautiful: people described it as a fierce creature living in the furthest corners of the known world. It had the head of a stag, the feet of an elephant and the tail of a boar, but then the image changed. As years went by, unicorns were thought to be magnificent and noble creatures, a symbol of purity and goodness. Many cultures of the world have their own version of the unicorn myth, but most depict these animals as white horses with a long horn extending from the forehead. The horn is usually spiraled. Most tales about unicorns depict an animal that is quite gentle and good.
Today we can say that unicorns rule popular culture. There are millions of unicorns all over the world: toys, pictures, cartoons, films, songs, cookies, cakes, clothes, bedding and even slippers.
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