1. While I have done (do) my homework, my parents worked (work) in the garden.
2. On Monday we _had (have) five lessons,
3. I finished (finish) my project by 10 p.m yesterday.
4. My sister have done (do) homework the whole evening yesterday.
5. The cat _took(take) a piece of fish and _ran (run) away.
6. At this time yesterday _(listen) to music.
7. We were walking (walk) down the street when we saw (see) a our friend in the window of the bus.
8. She said (say) that she gave (give ) me the wrong address.
9. He _wanted) to visit a place where he _(lived) in the childhood.
10. I _(standed) by the window when I _(heard) the front door open.
11. I_ (thought) it was my mum but soon I _(realized) I was wrong.
12. When I _ (turned) around, I _(saw) a strange man looking at me.
13. The rescue team _ (found) two survivors under the rubble before the day _(was) over.
14. By the time her parents _(retuned) home, Tracey _(took the dog for a walk.
15. Last night James _ (sat) in the living room watching TV while his parents_ (were getting) ready to go to the theater.
16. By the time the rescue team_(came), the building _(collapsed).
17.I (closed) my eyes and when (opened) them again there were two creatures in front of my car and they_(came) slowly towards me.
18. After my dad _ (ate) dinner, he _(fell) asleep on the sofa.
19. When I _ (woke) up this morning, the sun _(shone).
20. As I_(had) breakfast, my friend Julie _(phoned) me and we _(decide) to go for a picnic in the park.
21. Randy_ (drove) his new Porsche to visit his parents.
22. He (bought) the car only two days earlier.
23. It (was) late it night and it (was rainning) earlier so the road (was) slippery.
24. Suddenly, when he (went) through a forest, something (jumped) on the road.
25. In order not to hit it, Randy (steped) on the breaks. He (lost) control of the car and (hit) a tree.
1 went
2 had
3 watched
4 got
5 rained
6 lived
7 read
8 did
9 visited
10 had
11 were
12 cooked
13 played
14 swam
15 grew
16 met
1 Пролым летом мы ездили в Москву.
2 Дети ужинали в 2 часа вчера.
3 Они смотрели этот фильм на неделе.
4 Я встал в 8 часов вчера.
5 Шёл дождь 2 дня назад.
6 Эн жила в Санкт-Петербурге в году.
7 Она читала интересную книгу позавчера.
8 Я делал домашнее задание после школы вчера.
9 Ник посещал Лондон зимой.
10 У нас было мало домашнего задания вчера.
11 Они были в Москве в понедельник.
12 Кэйт и Майк готовили вкусную еду летом.
13 Я играл компьютерные игры летом.
14 Лера плавала в море летом.
15 Моя сестра выростила красивый цветок летом.
16 Я встретил новых друзей летом.