A gifted child, or a child prodigy, is a child who is recognized by the educational system as superior to the level of intellectual development of other children of his age.
Prodigies, as a rule, show their abilities at an early age. These abilities can relate to any intellectual fields of activity: mathematics, physics, music, encyclopedic knowledge, and so on. Already at an early age, they can enter the institute, graduate from it and defend their dissertation, while their peers are still in school; gifted children with musical abilities write operas; with chess abilities - become champions
Одарённый ребёнок, или вундерки́нд — ребёнок, который признан образовательной системой превосходящим уровень интеллектуального развития других детей своего возраста.
Вундеркинды, как правило, проявляют свои уже в раннем возрасте. Эти могут относиться к любым интеллектуальным сферам деятельности: математике, физике, музыке, энциклопедическим знаниям и так далее. Уже в раннем возрасте они могут поступить в институт, окончить его и защитить диссертацию, тогда как их сверстники ещё учатся в школе; одарённые дети с музыкальными пишут оперы; со к шахматам — становятся чемпионами.
2) You shouldn't have spoken with it such rude voice. You frightened the boy.
3) You could buy today's newspapers. Why you didn't make it?
4) Jane didn't need to translate article. It is already translated.
5) It isn't necessary to meet me at metro station. Victor will take me home.
6) We need to buy tickets in park or we can enter free of charge?
7) In vain we didn't listen to a weather forecast. I absolutely got wet in the rain.
8) Who needs the pen? I have a spare.
9) In vain you didn't ask council the parents.
10) Why you got on a tree? You could fall.
11) To accept with water on three times a day before food.
12) Steve claims that the nobody's help isn't necessary to him.
13) In vain you bought two theater tickets. This Saturday I will be occupied and I won't be able to go with you.