There once was a Prince, and he wanted to marry a Princess, but only a true Princess. He has traveled the world to find a bride, but never found. The princesses had as much as you want, Yes they were real? And returned the Prince home with nothing and have zagorova it, because he wanted to get a real Princess. The evening played out the storm: the lightning was flashing, the thunder roared and the rain poured in torrents; the horror of what Is! Suddenly somebody knocked at the town gate, and the old king went to open
I haven't got many friends, maybe because I'm not very sociable person and prefer to spend my free time alone. I really would like to have a true friend. 3 years ago my best friend went to Sant-Petersburg to study there and we have fallen apart, only when she comes home for a few days we go out together and chat. She is very smart, funny, curious, I always have a great time with her. I had another friend but he went to another city too and we don't keep in touch. However, I think I will find friends.