время в предложениях меняется на
слова this/these - that/those, he-his и т.д
next day - following day
next day - following dayyesterday - the previous day или the day before
сделай ответ лучшим, если не сложно :)
Упражнение 2
1) some
2) any
3) much
4) a little
5) some
6) many
7) many
8) a few
9) any
10) any
11) some
12) a little
Упражнение 3
a) A little. I'm trying to lose weight.
b) A little. Can I have ketchup as well?
c) A little. So lets not go anywhere very expensive.
d) A few. Then I'll have to leave and catch the bus
e) A few. But none of them were my size.
f) A little. I'll go to the shop and buy some more.
g) A few. But not enough to make a pie.
h) A few. Can I have cheeze and tomato?
Упражнение 4
3 how many do we need?
4 how much we have got?
5 how many do we need?
6 how many do we need?
7 how much we have got?
8 how much do we need?
9 how much do we need?
10 how many do we need?
Упражнение 5
1) much
2) many
3) much
4) many
5) much
6) many; many
7) many; many