I live in Russia. Now here it is cold, but spring will come soon and will be warming. I advise tourists to take a jacket, warm trousers, boots, a hat, a scarf, a warm jacket, then you will not freeze! Перевод: Я живу в России. Сейчас тут холодно,но скоро весна и будет потепление. Я советую туристам взять с собой куртку,тёплые штаны,ботинки,шапку,шарф,тёплую кофту,тогда вы точно не замёрзнете!
Hare is a wild animal. It has got long ears, fluffy coat and a short tail. In summer hare is grey and in winter it's white. Hare lives in the forest. It has got many enemies. They are wolves, foxes, birds of prey. But it's difficult catch a hare. Its paws are wide, fluffy and strong. Hare feeds on grass, twigs, bark, clover, mushrooms and blue-berries. Заяц дикое животное. Он имеет длинные уши, пушистая шерсть и короткий хвост. Летом заяц – серый, а зимой – белый. Живет заяц в негустом лесу. У него много врагов. Это волки, лисы, хищные птицы. Но трудно поймать зайца. Лапы у него широкие пушистые и сильные. Заяц питается травой, ветками, корой деревьев, клевером, грибами плодами черники.
Hare very wonderful / wonderful animal. In winter it sheds, and he becomes fur white. Just like the first, clean snow. A spring fur completely different light-brown. red or dark hair. And there are hares ostayutsya such white. Bunnies live in the forest. Summer and spring fed root vegetables, herbs and berries. Sometimes autumn vegetables carrots, cucumbers. Good eating rabbits and wheat, and corn. But in winter, dig coward hare in the snow leaves, branches. Hares spasayutsya winter and summer color shersti.zimoy white. as pure snow. Summer brown, just like the earth. We hare a lot of enemies. It's a wolf, fox-hitritsa, large birds, wild dogs. But Zaets though cowardly spasaetsya color and feet. Wonder they say: Zaets coward. This is not so. if he was a coward. weak. frail, the hares were rare animals. And would have been listed in the Red Book as endangered animals!
Я живу в России. Сейчас тут холодно,но скоро весна и будет потепление. Я советую туристам взять с собой куртку,тёплые штаны,ботинки,шапку,шарф,тёплую кофту,тогда вы точно не замёрзнете!