1.) Give the nouns or adjectives that form the following verbs:
characterize - character (noun)
implement - implementation (noun) / implement (noun)
crystallize - crystal (noun)
metallize - metal (noun)
theorize - theory (noun)
rethink - thinking (noun)
organize - organization (noun)
2.) Add the suffix-ous to the following words and translate the derivatives into Russian:
glory - glorious (translation: славный)
danger - dangerous (translation: опасный)
thunder - thunderous (translation: грозовой)
continuation - continuous (translation: непрерывный)
poison - poisonous (translation: ядовитый)
variation - variable (translation: изменяющийся) (суффикс правда не -ous, но и слова с таким суффиксом нету)
courage - courageous (translation: смелый)
a) Translate the following words into Russian;
b) Define the parts of speech of the stems to which the prefix un- is added:
unfit - rus: непригодный (from: fit (verb))
unusual - rus: необычный (from: usual (adjective))
unfair - rus: недобросовестный (from: fair (adjective))
unaccomplished - rus: незавершенный (from: accomplished (adjective))
unjust - rus: несправедливый (from: just (adjective))
ineffective - rus: неэффективный (from: effective (adjective))
untrue - rus: ложный (from: true (adjective))
uncertain - rus: неопределённый (from: certain (adjective))
unclean - rus: неопрятный (from: clean (adjective))
unconcerned - rus: незаинтересованный (from: concerned (adjective))
unknown - rus: неизвестный (from: known (adjective))
unreasonable - rus: необоснованный (from: reasonable (adjective))
unbearable - rus: невыносимый (from: bearable (adjective))
A: How was the film?
B: Well, it wasn't very good. I was bored. Where were you?
A: I was at home.
B: Were you with Kim?
A: No, I wasn't. She was at work.