1 Ostriches can run faster than horses. Страусы бегают быстрее лошадей.
2 The bat is the only mammal that can fly. Летучая мышь - единственное млекопитающее, которое умеет летать.
3 Some species of tarantula can go up to two years without food. Некоторые виды тарантул могут обходиться без еды до двух лет.
4 The flamingo can only eat when its head is upside down. Фламинго может питаться только перевернув голову.
5 An elephant can smell water up to 3 miles away. Слон чувствует запах воды на расстоянии до 3 миль (4,8 км).
If the weather will not change, we will not go outside the city.
2. I wonder if I'll recognize him when I see him.
3. If I'm not busy Friday night, let's go to the exhibition, okay?
4. I would like to know if it was released already.
5. We will not stay in the city on Saturday and Sunday, if the weather is good.
6. I can't tell you if he'll come on time or not.
7. If he comes back to ten, ask him to call me.
8. If I don't have time to talk to him tonight, I should definitely make this tomorrow morning.
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