1) past simple
He read this book 2 years ago.
How did you spend your holidays?
The students took part in the play, didn't they?
I was in the theater yesterday and I didn't see my sister there.
Did you tell you friends about the project?
2) past continous
We were playing football at 16.00.
While John was working in the garden, Mary was tidying up the house.
Were you working all day long yesterday?
You were not working all day long yesterday, were you?
Why were you working all day long yesterday?
Recipe pumpkin pancakes
Category: Recipes for pancakes. How to cook pancakes.
The ingredients for the recipe pumpkin Pancakes
1.5 cups of flour
500 gramms pumpkins
2,5 teaspoon dry yeast
3 eggs
3 cups of milk
3 tablespoons of sugar
pinch of salt
3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil
How to cook Pancakes recipe pumpkin?
1 dissolve Yeast in warm milk, add salt, sugar, eggs and prevent add the flour. Pumpkin grate, add to the batter and mix. In the ready-mix for pancakes add the vegetable oil. Bake on a dry frying pan.
Рецепт - блины тыквенные
Категория: Рецепты блинов. Как приготовить блины.
Ингредиенты для рецепта Блины тыквенные
1,5 стакана муки
500 грамм тыквы
2,5 чайной ложки сухих дрожжей
3 яйца
3 стакана молока
3 столовые ложки сахара
щепотка соли
3-4 столовые ложки растительного масла
Как приготовить рецепт Блины тыквенные?
1 Дрожжи развести в теплом молоке, добавить соль, сахар, яйца и помешать добавить муку. Тыкву натереть на мелкой терке, добавить в тесто, перемешать. В готовую смесь для блинов добавить растительное масло. Выпекать на сухой сковороде.
2. I have a very good friend. She is interested in many problems of modern life. She is not at home now, she is in the library. My friend is working on her report at the moment. She always work hard on her tasks.
3. My brother is a vegetarian. He never eats meat. He thinks that meat is not healthy. He is having dinner now. He has only vegetables for his dinner.
4. For many people the best season of the year is autumn. I like autumn too. It is September now. The leaves are red and yellow. I am watching how, the leaves are falling on the ground now.