The Present Perfect Continuous
2.-yes,they have living in at the moment for 2 years
3. he has been waiting for Mary more than an hour.
4. they have benn sitting in the garden since dinner time
5. he has been playing tennis since 10 a.m.
6. I have benn learning Spanish for 5 years.
7. he has been working for the same company since he left school.
Why you mustn't keep wild animals as pets?
First of all, it is against the law to catch and keep wildlife. In many countries it is illegal for you to keep them. These laws exist because wild animals have special needs and it is difficult to keep them healthy and alive in captivity.
Secondly, a wild baby animal cannot eat the same foods you or your pet eat. It must have special foods.
Next, wild animals need to be with their own kind . A baby wild animal raised to be friendly to people and pets may not know what kind of creature it is, or how to behave with others of its own kind.
Furthermore, a wild baby animal raised by people may be cute but it will grow up to be a wild adult, and may become aggressive and dangerous in captivity.
Finally, unlike our pets, wild animals are not vaccinated for diseases, or dewormed, nor do they see a veterinarian regularly. Consequently, wild animals may carry infectious diseases and parasites that may be harmful to you or your pets. So, it is not a good idea to keep wild animals as pets.
3come up against
9 defeated
1) Goals are achieved with hard work and perseverance. – Цели достигаются усердной работой и настойчивостью.
2) Napoleon was defeated in the battle of Waterloo. – Наполеон был разбит в битве при Ватерлоо.
3) Fighting to end hunger in the third world often seems like an insurmountable battle. – Борьба с голодом в третьем мире часто кажется непреодолимой битвой.
4) Perspiration is the body’s way of regulating its temperature or responding to stress. – Потоотделение – это тела регулировать температуру или реагировать на стресс.
5) Self-doubt kept Helen from pursuing her dream. – Сомнение в себе не давало Хэлен следовать за своей мечтой.
6) City Hall rejected the architect’s designs. – Сити-Холл отверг проекты этого инженера.
7) Banish feelings of doubt with these 10 quick and easy steps! – Прогоните чувство сомнения при этих 10 быстрый и легких шагов!
2.they have been living in Edinburg for two years
3. he has been waiting for Mary more than an hour.
4. they have benn sitting in the garden since dinner time
5. he has been playing tennis since 10 a.m.
6. I have benn learning Spanish for 5 years.
7. he has been working for the same company since he left school.
Во всех случаях на Present Perfect Continuos указывает промежуток времени и предлоги for, since.