.1) Не дозволяється користуватися мобільними телефонами. 2)Олівці, ручки, лінійки використовувати в бібліотеці за призначенням. 3)Не дозволяється підносити їх близько до очей, засовувати до носа чи вуха, розмахувати перед обличчям інших учнів-читачів. 4)Залишити зайві речі в класній кімнаті. 5). Ознайомитись з правилами поведінки в бібліотеці. 1) Is not allowed to use mobile phones. 2) Pencils, pens, rulers use the library for its intended purpose. 3) You may not bring them close to the eyes, nose or shove to ear, waving in the face of other pupils readers. 4) Leave the extra things in the classroom. 5). For the rules of behavior in the library.
Present Simple Passive: 1My homework is done. 2Honey is produced by bees. 3English is not spoken here. 4Is the house sold? 5The letter is written by my Mum.
Past Simple Passive: 1America was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492. 2"Hamlet" was written by Shakespeare. 3Were all tickets sold? 4The problem was not solved yesterday. 5The film was produced by James Cameron.
Future Simple Passive: 1These documents will be sent by email. 2All files will be deleted by me. 3Will my work be checked? 4The hockey match won't be played tomorrow. 5Communism won't be built in this country.