In such families children can be born with psychopathic and intellectual deviations, a considerable delay in development. Sometimes teenage alcoholism starts to develop in incomplete families because of neglect of the teenager which it is brought up in the street. Among other reasons it is possible to name hyperguardianship. In aspiration to protect the child from difficulties, indulging it in everything, parents as a result bring up a weak-willed and moral weak being which at hit in other environment with ease comes under to bad influence. Undoubtedly, stability to alcohol in an organism of the teenager much more low, than at the adult person, therefore even rather small dose of a spirit can result not only in strong intoxication, but also to a serious poisoning. But eventually stability at teenagers all the same arises. The central nervous system and an internal at young men develop, they are unstable to any poisons. Therefore the early use of alcoholic production leads to instant development of dependence and defeat of bodies. From illnesses of teenagers which are connected with alcohol intake, it is possible to allocate a pancreatitis and hepatitises, illnesses эндокринной systems, pulmonary diseases, infringement of functions of heart and a problem with pressure. Treatment of teenagers which are sick of alcoholism, is spent in specialised branches and chambers of narcological clinics completely to protect from contacts to adults-alcoholics. Preventive maintenance of alcoholism at teenagers consists, first of all, in organizational and educational measures which are directed on that the teenager has realised negative influence of alcohol and aspired to avoid in every way contacts to it and other drinking. The extremely important is that as the teenager spends a free time, it is important to stimulate and encourage "correct" hobbies, such as sports, music, etc., to raise interest to study or the further work.
Город страна дата Dear Julia, Thanks a lot for your last letter.I`m sorry I haven`t answered earlier but I was really busy with my school.I am so glad that you have such a good relationship with your family! I also like spending my time with them.(или если не любишь проводить время с семьей можешь написать:Unfortunately I do not like to spend time with my them.)Together we often watch a movies, we talk over dinners, on the holydays we also go to the countryside or travel to another countries.I especially love to discuss my favorite books(или games/movies) with my mum(или sister/brother/dad)(Или если ты написал(а), что не любишь проводить время с семьей, напиши:Usually we rarely spend time together.As a rule, we do not organize a trip, we have no common activities.)And what do you think about common interests with the family?Should people spend all their free time with the family or to give to his friends?How often you are sacrificing your family for friends?Write soon! Yors, твое имя