Задайте по этому тексту 5 вопросов разных типов! обязательно разных типов! the educational system in the uk is divided into four main parts: primary education, secondary education, further education and higher education. all children are required by law to attend school full-time between the ages of 5 and 16. there are two types of schools in the uk. they are state schools and private or public schools. a public school is an independent secondary school. at the age of 11 children enter the secondary school. having completed a compulsory education, 16 year old may start work, remain at school or study at a further education college
All children are required by law to attend school full-time between the ages of 5 and 16, aren't they?
Is public school an independent secondary school?
Do the children at the age of 11 enter the secondary school or stop education?
Who may start work, remain at school or study at a further education college after having completed a compulsory education?