i want to become a web designer. now I am studying design in courses. want to become a web designer. now I am studying design in courses. I am learning to draw and develop skills in photoshop and plustrator. I paint for three hours a day. sometimes i read design books as well as a biographer famous designers. I usually make websites for my friends and improve them every six months. I am currently working on my first website for a customer. this is a difficult job, but I do it with pleasure also now i'm creating my portfolio. I believe that a person who constantly develops and improves their skills can become a good designer. I am planning to find a job in a large company.for this I work and study a lot. everyone who has a goal. achieves it if he believes in his success.
«Толстые» вопросы 1. Слово стозвон поэт придумал сам. Как вы думаете, что оно обозначает? 2. Прочтите первые три строки. Попро- буйте представить зиму в образе челове- ка. Кто вам представляется: злая мачеха, шаловливый ребёнок, весёлая девушка или заботливая мать? Почему? 3. С каким сказочным героем вы бы срав- нили метелицу: со Снегурочкой, Снеж- ной королевой или снежной бабой? По- чему? 4. Как автор описывает вьюгу? Какие сло- ва поэту передать злость вьюги? 5. Для чего автор вводит образ весны? Найдите слова, с которых Есе- нин характеризует весну.
not far from my house.I buy Frieskas for my cat there.There are many parrots,mice and hamsters in this shop.They live in their cages.I go there
very often.I was in my favourite pet-shop two days ago.