RAINS! Then the man took everything back to the house again. He put the dishes on the board, the frying pan and pots on the pot shelves, the ashtrays on the tables, the flower pots where he found them, the vases on which the vases are placed, the kettle on the gas stove and wash the dishes in the bathroom. He was so tired after taking everything back and putting it away that he decided, "I'd better always wash the dishes as soon as I finish dinner." The next evening, when he came home, he cooked his supper, ate it. then he washed the dishes and put them on right away. And after that he did it every night. HE IS VERY HAPPY. He can find his chairs, he can find his watch, and he can find his BED. It is easy for him to get into his house too, because there are no more dishes stacked on the floor anywhere else!
Сам уолд глэдли тайк ит вис уэй
Вэ сэконд уан. Ю сан тэйк а трэин энд лив
Вэй сай хоуди
Вэр ду уи си вэ сан райз лэт ми финк
Ну уоркд хард хуз тайд итс тайм фор а мэл
Бихэв ёрсэлф эниуер
Уан кэн бай эвэрифинк вэр. Иф б ар фаунд оф скрапс
Ду эвэри финк ёрсэлф иф б уонт ит то би дан
Ай нэвэр ... Ай эгрии ту вэ прайс
Итс олл кайнд кан геймс
Сомфинг мэйкс вес фиил анхэппи
Мэни фингс мэй сам ин хэнди вэн б мэнд сомфинг
Фикс ит
Уив энифингспрэдэбл
Только с интонацией читай или рассказывай( не знаю )