Russian blue cat - a peaceful, kind and always obey the master, but other than that it is a little bit stubborn and loves freedom. Shy and hidden from strangers and guests. Likes to wander - it nearer to stay at home. Russian blue cats like most cozy hearth and family of the owners are very friendly and sociable. According to legend, the Russian blue - the key to happiness and prosperity in the house.Russian blue cats loyal and honest. Like many other relatives, loves to rub legs host purr when stroked her - as she shows affection and love. Cats of this breed is very well expressed hunter instinct - it shows at home as they await the mouse for hours.
My favorite bird is a parrot. The parrot is a very beautiful and intelligent bird. It lives in warm countries. Its color is green, yellow, blue and red. It has a strong and curved beak. It eats grains, fruits, leaves seeds, pears, nuts, mangoes and boiled rice. It can also eat worms and other insects. It has a bath every morning. Some parrots can talk and whistle. They can imitate the human voice. Some people keep the parrot at home in a small cage. Some people train parrots to do wonderful things. I love parrots because they are very beautiful, smart and they can learn to do a lot of things