1.A tired brown dog wasn't followig them. 2.Was a tired brown dog following them ? 3.What was a dog following them? 4. A tired brown dog was followig them.,wasn't it ? 5.Was a tired brown or white dog following them.? 6.Who was following them ?
Was a tired brown dog following them? What dog was following them? Was a tired brown dog following them or us? A tired brown dog was following them, wasn`t it? Who was following them?
А, что, мол,, кто, их, с, двумя, одной, самых, иногда, даже, будет, только сливкамВ Великобритании, меньше (0), чем 7 процентов школьников посещают государственную школу. Причина для этого (1) это очень дорогое образование. Для тех (2) не знакомы (3) термин “публичная школа”: это означает, что частное образование, и родителям приходится платить большие взносы за своих детей получать образование там. Один из (4) известные государственные школы в Англии Итон. Итон сказал (5) быть сливкам.Основана в 1440, Итон, школу для мальчиков (6) , есть свои традиции, своя спортивная и (7) своя газета. На протяжении многих лет многие известные люди учились в этой школе, в том числе (8) Принц Уильям и Принц Гарри, наследник британского престола. Сборы в Итоне, и большинство публичных школ, о ₤4,470 (9) термин, который, само собой (10) большинство людей просто не могут себе позволить.Отцы, которые присутствовали на самих публичных школах еще отправить (11) сыновей в школы-интернаты, предпочтительно к (12) они приняли участие. Почему? И старые парни считают, что в этих школах своих детей (13) сделать правильные соединения. Они, как правило, получают должности в обществе; например, они (14) стать членами парламента или министрами. Однако, это все равно должно быть тяжело оставить маму и папу за (15) Возраст 18 лет для того, чтобы в государственной школе. Разве вы не согласны?
10 interesting facts about Paris 1. In the Paris Metro passengers have their own opening and closing doors in the carriages. In addition, the Paris Metro stations are not announced, and at the turnstiles underground no employees - so that's a self-service system.
2. The French are very jealous of their own language, to the extent that the special law that regulates the rules on the use of English words was adopted in 1994. French linguists even specially introduced a number of new terms and concepts, to replace those whose appearance was due to new foreign scientific developments and technology. Parisians are more than confident that their native language is no worse than the English, and often pretend that they do not know the English words and expressions.
3. cause a lot of positive emotions traders on the Champs Elysees. Energetic groups of blacks, hung with small turrets and eyfelivymi handkerchiefs, literally stuck to tourists from all sides. Once they figure out what country you come from, how they begin to guess your name, "Julia? Kate! Marina ?! "accelerates traders gendarmes on bicycles - a rather unusual and even weird picture.
4. The fountain in front of the Eiffel Tower can be considered an informal place for swimming and relaxing on the grass under the sun in hot weather. This is a place for pleasant meetings and not less pleasant new acquaintances, the people are friendly and open to communication.
5. Baton armpit passers - it is an old tradition and one of the symbols of France. After a baguette (baguette) - a long loaf of soft flour, yeast, salt and water, the invention of the French. In France, all the extraordinary number of shops that sell bread and various sweets flour.
6. In any city you can find masters of shocking, and Paris is no exception. If suddenly kakom-libo public place right before your eyes on the man suddenly settles the stomach, do not worry, he's not crazy, you just have witnessed a kind of French flashmob arranged a party to one of the French companies, which was referred to as "face down on his stomach" .
7. The Parisians are crazy about dogs that are in the city of more than children, and may appear to them in many public places, including in a number of restaurants. Four-legged friends of man in Paris to account for an amount exceeding half a million. Of course, this is one reason why the streets of the French capital, you need to walk with caution. In addition to the excrement of dogs is quite normal to find at his feet, and streams of soapy water - this is a consequence of work on cleaning the city. One of the special vehicles for such work is the code name "motorcycle cleaner."
8. The translucent plastic boxes in Paris norm, despite the fact that they can hardly be called the city of decoration. Replacing this ugly structure was due to several bombings, organized by terrorists in 1995, when explosive devices planted in trash cans.
9. In Paris, the water can be drunk straight from the tap. The inhabitants of the French capital extremely proud of the system of water purification and sanitation in the city. In Paris even has an unusual sewage canals Museum.
10. Not all had and we have today like unusual structure of Paris - the Eiffel Tower, which is the main attraction highlighted when you select the tours in Paris. Many believe this symbol of France a real monstrosity, one of the many was the famous writer Guy de Maupassant. Meanwhile he regularly dined at the Eiffel Tower restaurant, which caused astonishment in others. Once he was asked: "Why, you dine in a tower, you also hate it ?!" In response, the writer called the restaurant in the Eiffel Tower, "the only place where this nightmare is not visible."
2.Was a tired brown dog following them ?
3.What was a dog following them?
4. A tired brown dog was followig them.,wasn't it ?
5.Was a tired brown or white dog following them.?
6.Who was following them ?