The room of the flat-комната квартиры Nick 's mother - мама Ника the cat's tail - хвост кошки the bottom of the page - низ страницы this town 's name - название города her husband's name - имя ее мужа today's article - сегодняшняя статья Pete and Mary 's children - дети Пита иМери tomorrow's meeting - завтрашняя встреча the government's policy - политика правительства the house of Jim 's parents - дом родителей Джима the new cinema of the city - новый кинотеатр города the results of the examination - итоги экзамена the population of the world - население мира this evening 's program - вечерняя программа
The main winter holiday is Christmas, which is celebrated throughout Europe on December 25. Despite the fact that many people already consider it not as a religious holiday, but rather as a pleasant tradition, there is hardly a person in Britain who does not celebrate this bright and cozy holiday. Christmas is family. Few people celebrate it alone or among strangers. On this special day it is customary to gather in a circle of close relatives. Preparation begins in November. The menu of the festive dinner is discussed and a list of gifts is made, the house is cleaned, greeting cards are sent out. By the way, these cards were invented exactly in England in 1840 and then spread around the world.Conservatives to the roots of hair, the British for centuries adhere to the traditions associated with the celebration of Christmas. Every purchase, every dish, every decoration has its sacred meaning these days. Closer to the middle of December, a Christmas tree is set up in the house.Today, the main dish of the Christmas dinner is a turkey, although in the 19th century its place was taken by a cheaper goose. However, in the rest, the British do not change traditions here either. If you want to play an English Christmas dinner at home, you should definitely have baked potatoes and chestnuts, bacon, parsnips and Brussels sprouts on your table. They are served cranberry sauce. For dessert - English fruit pudding, steamed. By the way, every member of the family should take part in its preparation (or rather, stirring). In pudding, you should hide the silver coin: it is believed that the one who finds it, will be lucky next year.The main winter holiday is Christmas, which is celebrated throughout Europe on December 25. Despite the fact that many people already consider it not as a religious holiday, but rather as a pleasant tradition, there is hardly a person in Britain who does not celebrate this bright and cozy holiday. Christmas is family. Few people celebrate it alone or among strangers. On this special day it is customary to gather in a circle of close relatives. Preparation begins in November. The menu of the festive dinner is discussed and a list of gifts is made, the house is cleaned, greeting cards are sent out. By the way, these cards were invented exactly in England in 1840 and then spread around the world.Conservatives to the roots of hair, the British for centuries adhere to the traditions associated with the celebration of Christmas. Every purchase, every dish, every decoration has its sacred meaning these days. Closer to the middle of December, a Christmas tree is set up in the house.Today, the main dish of the Christmas dinner is a turkey, although in the 19th century its place was taken by a cheaper goose. However, in the rest, the British do not change traditions here either. If you want to play an English Christmas dinner at home, you should definitely have baked potatoes and chestnuts, bacon, parsnips and Brussels sprouts on your table. They are served cranberry sauce. For dessert - English fruit pudding, steamed. By the way, every member of the family should take part in its preparation (or rather, stirring). In pudding, you should hide the silver coin: it is believed that the one who finds it, will be lucky next year.
The main winter holiday is Christmas, which is celebrated throughout Europe on December 25. Despite the fact that many people already consider it not as a religious holiday, but rather as a pleasant tradition, there is hardly a person in Britain who does not celebrate this bright and cozy holiday. Christmas is family. Few people celebrate it alone or among strangers. On this special day it is customary to gather in a circle of close relatives. Preparation begins in November. The menu of the festive dinner is discussed and a list of gifts is made, the house is cleaned, greeting cards are sent out. By the way, these cards were invented exactly in England in 1840 and then spread around the world.Conservatives to the roots of hair, the British for centuries adhere to the traditions associated with the celebration of Christmas. Every purchase, every dish, every decoration has its sacred meaning these days. Closer to the middle of December, a Christmas tree is set up in the house.Today, the main dish of the Christmas dinner is a turkey, although in the 19th century its place was taken by a cheaper goose. However, in the rest, the British do not change traditions here either. If you want to play an English Christmas dinner at home, you should definitely have baked potatoes and chestnuts, bacon, parsnips and Brussels sprouts on your table. They are served cranberry sauce. For dessert - English fruit pudding, steamed. By the way, every member of the family should take part in its preparation (or rather, stirring). In pudding, you should hide the silver coin: it is believed that the one who finds it, will be lucky next year.
2. What colour is it?
3. Where are they?
4. How is he?
5. What is she?