Надо объяснить родителям и дать им понять,что ты не успеваешь,сильно нагружен.Они могут тебя понять,ведь они всё-так твои родители.Каждые родители понимают своего ребёнка.После этого у тебя будет свободное время,будет время на отдых.
It is necessary to explain to parents and to let them know that you do not have time, it is heavily loaded. They can understand you, because they are all your parents. Every parents understand their child. After that you will have free time, there will be time for rest.
1. Daria wrote that her family and she had finally moved to the home of her dreams.
2. Daria wrote that her room was in yellow colours.
3. Daria wrote that the dining room was the favourite room of her family.
4. Daria wrote that she was attaching a few pictures of her beautiful new home to the email.
5. Clair said that she had a wonderful view from her balcony.
6. Claire said that she liked to sit in one of the armchairs and read a book in the evenings.
7. Claire said that her apartment in Edinburgh was not big, but it was comfortable.
8. Claire said that her room was not big.