Перевод the is my horse.his name is roo.he is four years old.he likes fpples.the is my kat.her name is teddy.she likes fish.this my bird . her name is budqie.she is tvo years old.she likes biscuits.
Це мій кінь. Його ім я Роо. Йому 4 роки. Він любить (apples)яблука.Це є моя киця. ЇЇ ім я Тедді. Вона любить рибу. Це є моя пташка. ЇЇ ім я Budqie. Їй 2 роки. вона любить печиво
Это мой конь. Его зовут Ру. Ему четыре года. Он любит яблоки. Это моя кошка. Ее зовут Тедди. Она любит рыбу. Это моя птица. Ее зовут budqie (). Ей два года. Она любит бисквиты.
My favourite book is Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone. It is written by J. K. Rowling. Harry Potter thinks he is an ordinary boy. He lives with his Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and cousin Dudley, who make him sleep in a cupboard under the stairs. Then Harry starts receiving mysterious letters and his life is changed for ever. He is whisked away by a beetle-eyed giant of a man and enrolled in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The reason: Harry Potter is a wizard!
1.Do all people have the same hobbies? 2. What is her brother's hobby? 3. Does her brother have a large collection? 4. Is her brother's hobby popular with people of all ages? 5. Is collecting an interesting hobby? 6. Is collecting fun? 7. What do people who collect stamps begin with? 8. What are special collections? 9. What's called a thematic collection? 10. What is her brother's theme? 11. What is her friend's theme? 12. What did her grandfather collect when he was a boy? 13. Does her uncle collect anything? 14. What are examples of things that you might collect? 15. What's her aunt's hobby?