My best weekend
I am energetik and young person. I like different sport activities. So my ideal weekend wiil be coonect with my sport life. I like to walk with my friends too. My free time I spend with my friends
I think, that the best way to spend free time is to spendi it outdoor. On my ideal weekends I would like to walk with my friends in park. I could not understood why some young people every weekends visite diferent cffe with unhealthy food. I spend my free time with my friends? and sport because sport-is my hobby
Первое место по популярности среди глянцевых журналов в социальной сети «Одноклассники» занимает «COSMOPOLITAN», поскольку в его группе состоит наибольшее количество участников – 82 218. Это международный женский журнал, содержание которого включает в себя статьи о взаимоотношениях и сексе, здоровье, карьере, самосовершенствовании, знаменитостях, а также моде и красоте. На территории России издается с 1994 года.
The first place in popularity among glossy magazines in the social network "Odnoklassniki" is occupied by "COSMOPOLITAN", since its group consists of the largest number of participants – 82,218. It is an international women's magazine whose content includes articles on relationships and sex, health, career, self-improvement, celebrities, and fashion and beauty. It has been published in Russia since 1994.