\Direct speech, or direct speech, expresses a person's phrase verbatim, it is a quote or transfer of the essence of a phrase said by another person, on their behalf.
As in Russian, direct speech in English is framed by quotation marks, but "upper" quotation marks are used, called English double quotes. Instead of a colon before the author's words at the beginning or a comma and a dash at the end, English uses a single simple comma. The dot at the end of the sentence is placed before the closing quotation mark, not after it, as in Russian.
1.Kevin has been fishing since early morning.
2.Kim hasn’t been packing her things for so long.
3.You have been ironing clothes all day.
4.Allan hasn’t been wearing this jacket for three years.
5.I have not been walking a dog since four o’clock.
6.Monica and Sue have been painting the walls of the house since ten o’clock in the morning.
7.Mr May has been reading this article for more than half an hour now.
8.It hasn’t been raining since afternoon.
9.My neighbours have been making a noise since seven o’clock in the morning.
10.Brad has been trying to catch a taxi for fifteen minutes now.
P.S. Правило во вложении :)
Я говарю по - английски хуже своего друг, хотя мы вместе начали изучать язык полтора года тому назад