1. I am writting a composition now. 2. I am not drinking milk now. 3. I am going for a walk after dinner. 4. I do not go to the theatre every Sunday. 5. He is not reading now. 6. He is playing now. 7. Is he play now? 8. My mother workes at a factory. 9. My aunt does not work at a shop. 10. Do you work at an office? 11. My friend lives in St. Petersburg. 12. My cousin does not live in Miami. 13. The children are not sleeping now. 14. The children play in the yard every day. 15. They do not go to the stadium on Monday
1. I am writting a composition now. 2. I am not drinking milk now. 3. I am going for a walk after dinner. 4. I do not go to the theatre every Sunday. 5. He is not reading now. 6. He is playing now. 7. Is he play now? 8. My mother workes at a factory. 9. My aunt does not work at a shop. 10. Do you work at an office? 11. My friend lives in St. Petersburg. 12. My cousin does not live in Miami. 13. The children are not sleeping now. 14. The children play in the yard every day. 15. They do not go to the stadium on Monday
2 какая погода?
3.что тебе нравится?
4.что на тебе надето?
5.что там у тебя? 6.это весна сейчас?
7.что он получил?
8.а где Лулу?
9.он умеет плавать?
а)Да, он может.
б) по-рубашку и шорты.
с)у меня желтая шляпа.
д) он нравится собачий стиль собака
е) в зимнее время.
Ф) шоколадный торт
г) он надел синие джинсы.
H) Да, это так.
Я) солнечно и жарко.
J) в сад.